Hand-Implementing PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd and Ord in Rust


This article is a short how-to guide for writing your own implementations of the equality, hashing and ordering traits in Rust. Often you can just auto-derive these:

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub MyStruct {

But sometimes you want to roll your-own, perhaps because you can do it more efficiently than the automatic versions, or you simply want to be more explicit about what it means for two things to be ‘equal’ or perhaps you want to express relationships between instances of MyStruct and SomeOtherStruct, which the automatic versions can’t do.

In this article, I will use this simple struct as an example:

#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
pub struct FileInfo {
    pub path: PathBuf,
    pub contents: String,
    pub is_valid_utf8: bool,

It represents the contents of some text file located at path with the contents loaded as a string and a flag to indicate whether the contents were valid UTF-8.

In the context in which this structure is used, the path is always unique - a file is only loaded into memory once. I like to think of Rust data in entity-relationship modelling terms: path acts like a primary key and the other fields of the struct are determined attributes. The concept of identity is therefore encapsulated solely by the path - if two paths are equal, then the two FileInfos will also be equal.

Equality: the PartialEq and Eq traits

If you want to express what it means for values of your types to be equal, you must implement the PartialEq trait. Implementing it allows us to write x == y and x != y for our types.

For FileInfo it is easily implemented simply by delegating to the path member’s implementation of PartialEq:

impl PartialEq for FileInfo {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.path == other.path

Optionally you can (and usually should) also implement the Eq trait.

The definition of this trait is empty, containing no methods:

trait Eq: PartialEq<Self> {}

However it is not useless - it is a sort of marker trait which makes your types usable as keys in hashmaps.

You can implement it manually with an empty impl block

impl Eq for FileInfo {}

But it’s easier to just add Eq to your #[derive(Eq)] list.

When would you NOT implement Eq? Very rarely. Eq is an equivalence relation and hence requires the three properties of

to be satisifed for all x in the domain.

These properties hold for most data. The main exception - and the only exception in the Rust standard library - is floating point values, where NaN enters the picture and screws things up - the reflexivity property does not hold, because the IEEE floating point standard requires that NaN is not equal to itself (or any other number too).

TL;DR If you implement PartialEq then #[derive(Eq)] as well unless you can’t


Hashing a value is closely related to the concept of equality, such that if you implement your own PartialEq you should also implement the Hash trait.

The following must hold: if x == y then hash(x) == hash(y)

Your values won’t work properly as keys in HashMaps and HashSets if you violate this principle.

It says that if two values are equal according to PartialEq then they should have the same hash code. The converse DOES NOT hold - the fact that two values have the same hash code DOES NOT imply that they are equal. When this happens we are said to have a ‘hash collision’ and they are inevitable in some domains because there are many more possible values than there are distinct u64 values (hash codes are u64s). As a trivial example, a struct with two u64 members has u64::MAX * u64::MAX possible values which is far greater than u64::MAX. Therefore it’s not possible to map all instances of such structs to their own unique hash code.

We can implement Hash in a very similar way as we did for PartialEq, by delegating the responsibility for calculating it down to the path member:

impl Hash for FileInfo {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {

This delegation technique will work for all types, since all the fundamental types in the standard library implement PartialEq and Hash.

Ordering: the PartialOrd and Ord traits

The relative ordering of values is calculated using the operators <, <=, >= and >. To implement these for your own types you must implement the PartialOrd trait.

Before you can implement PartialOrd you must implement PartialEq first.

Here is an example.

impl PartialOrd for FileInfo {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

Ordering is a simple enum with these values:

pub enum Ordering {

You may be wondering why partial_cmp returns an Option and not just a plain Ordering. It’s to do with floats again - because NaNs are not representable numbers, expressions such as 3.0 < NaN don’t make any sense. In those cases, partial_cmp returns None. Floating point values are the only case in the standard library where this happens.

The fact that partial_cmp returns an Option<Ordering> has a consequence: it might not be possible to place two values, x and y, into a definite order. In practice, this means that implementing PartialOrd is not sufficient to make your values sortable. You also need to implement the Ord trait.

To enable your values to be sorted, you must implement Ord

Before you can implement Ord, you must first implement PartialOrd, Eq and PartialEq

For our FileInfo struct, again we can delegate down to our member variables:

impl Ord for FileInfo {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

With that in place, sorting a Vec<FileInfo> now works.

Extending to more than one member

You may be wondering how to implement the above traits if you need to compare more than one member of your value (in entity-relationship terms, if we have a compound primary key). The following pattern works:

impl PartialEq for ExtendedFileInfo {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        // Equal if all key members are equal
        self.path == other.path &&
        self.attributes == other.attributes

impl Hash for FileInfo {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {
        // Ensure we hash all key members.

Ordering is a little trickier - you need to compare the first field, if the result is not Equal you are done, but if it is Equal you need to move onto the next field, and so on. Left as an exercise for the reader!

Extending to comparisons between different types

I glossed over something in the above discussion. In every case, I was comparing a FileInfo to another FileInfo. But this doesn’t have to be the case. The traits take a type parameter called Rhs - short for ‘right hand side’ - which allows you to compare a FileInfo to a Path (say) or (more usefully) a complex number to an f64. (Ord is a counterpoint to this observation: both self and Rhs must be of the same type.)

Rhs didn’t show up in the code examples above because it is defaulted to be the same type as Self. Here is the full definition of PartialEq from the standard library:

pub trait PartialEq<Rhs: ?Sized = Self> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool;
    fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool { !self.eq(other) }

To enable cross-type equality comparisons, in this case between FileInfo and &str, you would do something like this:

impl PartialEq<&str> for FileInfo {
    fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
        match self.path.to_str() {
            Some(s) => s == *other,
            None => false

Note that the other parameter in eq is always defined to be a shared reference to something, so that when we implement it for &str we end up with a double reference, which we then have to de-reference once to make the s == *other comparison.

A note on efficiency

You may be wondering - is it more efficient to hand-craft your own implementations of these traits or use the auto-derived ones? It’s hard to say. If you know that you only have a few fields that are relevant from a large struct, then you may well be able to beat the auto-derived implementations. On the other hand, although the auto-derived code may examine every field in your struct, it uses short-circuiting boolean expressions so it may well stop after looking at the first field (say path in FileInfo) and hence be just as fast in practice. Hash is the exception to this - if you can get away with hashing 1 or 2 simple members rather than vast String members you will easily beat the built-in implementation.

The auto-derived code also has two other tricks up its sleeves. Firstly, it generates custom implementations for all the methods in the traits, including those that have default implementations. For example, for PartialOrd it doesn’t just generate partial_cmp but lt, le, ge and gt as well. Secondly, it adds #[inline] to all its methods.

You can use the cargo expand utility to dump the code generated by #[derive()] to stdout. Try it on the program below by removing some of the custom implementations and #[derive] them instead.

Complete Program

use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Eq)]
pub struct FileInfo {
    pub path: PathBuf,
    pub contents: String,
    pub is_valid_utf8: bool,

impl FileInfo {
    fn new<P: Into<PathBuf>>(path: P) -> Self {
        Self {
            path: path.into(),

impl PartialEq for FileInfo {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
        self.path == other.path

impl Hash for FileInfo {
    fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, hasher: &mut H) {

impl PartialOrd for FileInfo {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

impl Ord for FileInfo {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

impl PartialEq<&str> for FileInfo {
    fn eq(&self, other: &&str) -> bool {
        match self.path.to_str() {
            Some(s) => s == *other,
            None => false

fn main() {
    // Demonstrate the various traits. Try commenting out the `impl`
    // blocks to see the various compilation errors you get when they
    // are not implemented.

    let f1 = FileInfo::new("/temp/foo");
    let f2 = FileInfo::new("/temp/bar");

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Demonstrate PartialEq. It gives us `==` and `!=`.
    if f1 == f2 {
        println!("f1 and f2 are equal");
    } else {
        println!("f1 and f2 are NOT equal");

    if f1 != f2 {
        println!("f1 and f2 are NOT equal");
    } else {
        println!("f1 and f2 are equal");

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Demonstrate Hash. Note that the HashMap takes ownership of its keys -
    // they are moved into the HashMap.
    let mut hm = HashMap::new();
    hm.insert(f1, 200);
    hm.insert(f2, 500);
    // To avoid complicating this discussion, make a new FileInfo to perform a lookup.
    // In real-life, you would implement the Borrow trait to avoid the temporary variable.
    let f_lookup = FileInfo::new("/temp/foo");
    let file_size = hm[&f_lookup];
    println!("f1 has a size of {} bytes", file_size);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Demonstrate PartialOrd. It gives us `<`, `<=`, `>=` and `>`.

    // Makes some new f's because the others went into the HashMap.
    let f1 = FileInfo::new("/temp/foo");
    let f2 = FileInfo::new("/temp/bar");

    if f1 < f2 {
        println!("f1 is less than f2");
    } else {
        println!("f1 is not less than f2");

    if f1 > f2 {
        println!("f1 is greater than f2");
    } else {
        println!("f1 is not greater than f2");

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Demonstrate Ord. It unlocks sorting functionality.
    let mut v = vec![f1, f2];
    println!("v after sorting = {:#?}", v);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Demonstrate cross-type equality testing.
    let f1 = FileInfo::new("/temp/foo");
    if f1 == "/temp/foo" {
        println!("The path in f1 is equal to the str value \"/temp/foo\"");
    } else {
        println!("Nope, comparisons to strings are not working as they should be.");
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