Design of Rust APIs (Collections and Iteration)

Iterators as Input Parameters

This is reasonable:

fn func1(data: &[i32]) {}

But if a function only needs to iterate over its data you can use the IntoIterator trait to make it more generic:

fn func2<C>(data: C)
where C: IntoIterator<Item = i32>

(Ref: API Guidelines)

Constructing and Extending Collections

If you have a type that is a collection type, you should consider implementing the FromIterator and Extend traits.

FromIterator allows instances of your collection to be constructed using collect and Extend allows you to easily add the contents of an iterator to a collection via the extend method.

See links above for example implementations, they are simple and obvious. In particular, FromIterator can be implemented by creating an empty collection and calling extend on it.

If a collection type implements FromIterator<A> then its static method from_iter builds a value of that type from an iterable producing items of type A.

Providing Iterators for your collection types

If you have a type which is a collection of items, you should consider providing the ability to iterate over instances of that type. We then say that the type is an iterable.

  • An iterator is any type that implements Iterator
  • An iterable is any type that implements IntoIterator
  • An iterator produces items
  • The code that receives the items is the consumer

(Definitions from Programming Rust by Blandy & Orendorff)

The 3 types of iteration

There are basically 3 ways that you can iterate over something - by move, by shared reference, and by mutable reference. In the for loop idiom, these are expressed as follows:

for item in collection      // move
for item in &collection     // shared reference
for item in &mut collection // mutable reference

Note that iterating using moves consumes the original collection.

Under the hood, these calls de-sugar into something like this

// By move.
let mut iterator = collection.into_iter();
while let Some(item) = {
    // Use the item.

// Shared reference.
let mut iterator = (&collection).into_iter();
while let Some(item) = {
    // Use the item.

// Mutable reference.
let mut iterator = (&mut collection).into_iter();
while let Some(item) = {
    // Use the item.

Note 1 Many collections also implement iter() and iter_mut() methods which return iterators. They correspond to the shared and mutable reference examples above, respectively. The method-equivalent of the move example is handled by the into_iter() method, which is part of the IntoIterator trait and described below. These methods provide a convenient way of getting an iterator when you’re not using the for-loop syntax. You’ll often see them used when mapping and filtering in a functional style.

Note 2 Not all collections implement all 3 types of iteration. In particular, iterating by mutable reference doesn’t always make sense, for example you can’t iterate over a HashMap’s keys by mutable reference because changing a key would destory the integrity of the HashMap’s internal data structures. But you can iterate over the key-value pairs, the items returned are tuples with immutable keys but mutable values! See HashMap.iter_mut.

How to implement IntoIterator

Let’s imagine we have a very simple collection type called Solution, which contains a vec of Projects:

pub struct Solution {
    projects: Vec<Project>

pub struct Project {
    name: String

If we try to iterate over this

for proj in sln {

We will get an error which helpfully reminds us we need to implement IntoIterator:

22 |     for proj in sln {
   |                 ^^^^ `Solution` is not an iterator
   = help: the trait `std::iter::Iterator` is not implemented for `&Solution`
   = note: required by `std::iter::IntoIterator::into_iter`

Here is how to implement the move form:

impl IntoIterator for Solution {
    type Item = Project;
    type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter<Project>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

The line type Item = Project says what types of items the iterator will yield.

The next line, type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter<Project> says what type is produced by the call to into_iter - in other words it is naming the Iterator type (see terminology above) that Solution can produce. Solution itself is now an Iterable type thanks to this simple trait implementation.

In this example I don’t need to create my own iterator type, I can simply leverage the vector’s already-existing type. But if I couldn’t, say my iteration needs were more complex, this line is the one I would need to target. I would create a type SolutionIterator (say) and specify type IntoIter = SolutionIterator<Project> and then return an instance of SolutionIterator from into_iter.

With the above in place, for loops of the move form now work:

for proj in sln {
    println!("Project = {}",;


Project = Project1
Project = Project2
Project = Project3

But unfortunately it destroys the collection. For loops of shared or mutable references still do not work:

31 |     for proj in &sln {
   |                 ^^^^ `&Solution` is not an iterator

We need to add another implementation:

impl<'s> IntoIterator for &'s Solution {
    type Item = &'s Project;
    type IntoIter = ::std::slice::Iter<'s, Project>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

Note that we need a lifetime specification. This says that the references returned by the iterator are tied to the lifetime of the Solution. This makes sense because the Projects are owned by the Solution.

With this in place we can iterate by shared reference, preserving our precious Solution object:

for proj in &sln {
    println!("Project = {}",;

for proj in &sln {
    println!("Project = {}",;

Lastly, as you would expect, iterating by mutable reference requires another implemention:

impl<'s> IntoIterator for &'s mut Solution {
    type Item = &'s mut Project;
    type IntoIter = ::std::slice::IterMut<'s, Project>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

The only difference here is that we inserted ‘mut’ in the references and the type changed from slice::Iter to slice::IterMut.

Mutable iteration is now possible:

for proj in &mut sln { =;
    println!("Project = {}",;


Project = PROJECT1
Project = PROJECT2
Project = PROJECT3

Implementations in the standard library

The implementations shown above exactly mimic, and were worked out by copying, the implementations for Vec in the standard library.

In the IntoIterator documentation you can see the following implementations (some scrolling and searching required)

impl<T> IntoIterator for Vec<T>
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a Vec<T>
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a mut Vec<T>

Click through to their source to see how they work.

Complete source code

pub struct Solution {
    projects: Vec<Project>

pub struct Project {
    name: String

fn make_example_solution() -> Solution {
    let mut sln = Solution { projects: vec![] };
    sln.projects.push(Project { name: "Project1".to_owned() });
    sln.projects.push(Project { name: "Project2".to_owned() });
    sln.projects.push(Project { name: "Project3".to_owned() });

impl IntoIterator for Solution {
    type Item = Project;
    type IntoIter = ::std::vec::IntoIter<Project>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

impl<'s> IntoIterator for &'s Solution {
    type Item = &'s Project;
    type IntoIter = ::std::slice::Iter<'s, Project>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

impl<'s> IntoIterator for &'s mut Solution {
    type Item = &'s mut Project;
    type IntoIter = ::std::slice::IterMut<'s, Project>;

    fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

fn main() {
    let mut sln = make_example_solution();

    for proj in &mut sln { =;
        println!("Project = {}",;
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