Setup of ssh

Other Build Book Posts

Posts in the Build Book sequence are intended primarily as an aide-mémoire for myself; a series of steps to go through for a consistent build experience. They tend to be to the point, prescriptive and tailored for me personally.

How SSH Works

SSH stands for “Secure Shell”. As its name implies it is a network protocol for secure communication between two computers, a server - your VM - and a client, e.g. your work or home PC. The most basic type of communication SSH supports is shell access - you use a terminal emulator to open a Unix shell on the server, which then allows you to use the full gamut of Unix commands to administer the machine. Layered on top of the basic SSH protocol are higher level protocols such as secure copy (scp) and secure ftp (sftp), which are useful for copying files into and out of the VM. SSH allows you to login to a remote machine without a password. There is an SSH server running on the remote machine. It listens for SSH connection requests from client machines. When it receives a connection request it validates the public key from the client against a copy stored (on the server) in the relevant user’s authorized_keys file. To setup the client you first generate a public/private key pair on that machine. You copy the public key up to the server and keep the private key on your client machine. (Some people use multiple private keys, one per user or one per client, others choose to share them. Whatever you choose to do you should think of the private key as a “super password”, and keep it secret just as you would do a password.) The server is usually installed when you build a VM, but it can be installed later with this command. No other configuration should be required:

sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Further Reading

PuTTY’s documentation is an excellent guide to SSH:

Other useful links:

Creating a Key

Open a prompt and type:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048

This generates an RSA-2 type key of size 2048 bits. These are the defaults and are considered secure. You can leave the passphrase blank but if you do this it means that anyone who gets hold of your private key file will be able to logon to the VM without a password. On the other hand, if you enter a passphrase you will be asked to enter the passphrase again each time you use the key. It effectively functions as a “super long password”. You should use a passphrase which is fairly long but easy to remember and with a mixture of upper and lower case. There are utilities available that you can run which means you only have to enter it once per session - see the section below, “Typing your PassPhrase only once”. You should name the file “id_*something*” because various SSH utilities pattern match against that. There are two files created – id_phil which is your private key - do not copy this up to any servers! - and which is the public key which you copy up to Github or a VM.

Enabling SSH up to a Server

When you SSH to the server, you are doing it as a particular user, e.g. root. In that user’s home folder there needs to be a file, ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, to which we will append the public key. You can do this manually, but it is easier to use the ssh-copy-id program:

ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_phil phil@NEWVM

To do it manually, you can just open the authorized_keys file in a text editor and paste the “.pub” key in - each key is on a separate line. Here is a complete manual script to do this. First, on the VM, do this to create the file if it does not already exist:

mkdir -m700 .ssh
touch .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

Then on the client, do this to copy your public key to the server and append it to the authorized_keys file:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@NEWVM "cat  >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Adjust ‘id_phil’ and ‘root@NEWVM’ as appropriate.

Pay careful attention to the punctuation! The right angle-brackets must be double as shown, or you’ll wipe out any keys you already have; and the quotes must be as shown, or you won’t get the desired result. Also be careful to cat the public file, not the private one, this is an easy mistake to make if you are using tab-completion to enter the filename.

Using multiple key files

My .bashrc now looks like this:

KeyFiles=`find ~/.ssh -type f ! -name "*.*" -name "id*"`
eval `keychain --quiet --eval "$KeyFiles"`

And hence runs keychain for both my personal and work ssh keys.

Installing a key on Unix Servers

If you want to install your public key itself (so that it is available when you login to the console) then you can do so like this:

Or using scp:

scp ~/.ssh/id_phil phil@NEWVM:~/.ssh/id_phil

Or using sftp:

sftp phil@NEWVM
cd ~/.ssh
put id_phil
chmod 600 id_phil

Setting up Forwarding

Forwarding allows you to SSH out from the server you just SSH’ed into. This can be as innocuous as using Git over SSH. Edit the file ~/.ssh/config and add the following lines:

ForwardAgent yes
ForwardX11Trusted yes

This is considered somewhat insecure, but is fine for non-production use. See man ssh_config for details on how to restrict forwarding to particular hosts.

If it’s not working, check that forwarding is enabled on the server:

cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep X11

There must be a line “X11Forwarding yes” for this to work.

To forward X, do this on the client:

ssh [-v] -Y phil@destination

The -Y option supercedes the -X option. The -v is verbose help. To confirm that ssh is forwarding X11, check for a line containing “Requesting X11 forwarding” in the output.

Using X from my Cygwin setup

Create this file. It will start X and keep it running, but not start any programs (this is actually part of my default Cygwin dotfiles):

echo "sleep inf" > ~/.startxwinrc


[Cygwin] runx                 # Start X server on Cygwin.
[Cygwin] ssh -Y phil@NEWVM    # DISPLAY is already setup by ~/.bashrc
[NEWVM]  xeyes &

One problem is that Gnome apps do not work properly over SSH, they don’t display their theming which makes them look a bit ugly. For a possible solution see


Installing SSH keys on Github and Bitbucket

Login to Bitbucket (you can do this using a Google login). Go to the Management screen, there you will see a page for “SSH keys”. Simply open the id_*.pub file and paste it in.

Login to Github (you must use a UID and PWD to do this). Go to Account Settings, there you will see a page for “SSH keys”. Simply open the id_*.pub file and paste it in.

Using the SCP command

After setting up SSH you can use the scp (secure copy) command. Watch out for permissions on the transferred files. To copy from a client to the VM, run this command in the client:

scp myfile root@NEWVM:dest_file_name

To copy an entire folder:

scp -r mydir root@NEWVM:dest_dir

To copy using tar (handy for arbitrary lists of files):

tar -cf mydir/* | ssh root@NEWVM 'tar -xf -'

Using SSH with Windows apps

Both FileZilla and WinSCP are Windows programs and do not support unix-format SSH keys. Such keys need to be converted to a Putty private key and you should use Pageant to cache the key. There are 3 programs involved, which are installed by Chocolatey into C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin:

  • PuTTYgen.exe - used to create keys
  • Pageant.exe - this is the agent used to hold keys in memory
  • PuTTY.exe - this is the client used to establish a connection to the VM

(From and

You can use PuttyGen to create a completely new key pair, or you can import an existing key such as a Unix key. In this example I’ll assume you have an existing Unix key and want to also use it in PuTTY (if you don’t have an existing key the only difference in the process is you need to hit the Generate button instead of the Load button). Start PuTTYgen, press Load and select your Cygwin private key file:

Load Private Key

Enter a description, otherwise you won’t be able to tell which passphrase to use when Pageant asks you for it. Enter your passphrase when prompted:

Enter Passphrase

You will get this self-explanatory message:

PuTTYgen Notice

Press Save Private Key and create the file “id_rsa.ppk”. PPK is PuTTY’s private key format.

Setting up Pageant

The PuTTY suite’s equivalent of ssh-agent is called Pageant. When started it appears in the notification area as a VERY small computer with a hat on!

Pageant Icon

Bring up its window, press Add Key, and browse for your ppk file. You are asked for your passphrase again. You’re done. Pageant now has your key in memory and has validated your passphrase. It’s a good idea to add a Pageant shortcut to your Startup folder:

Target = \\Path\To\Pageant.exe id_phil.ppk other.ppk
Start in = C:\Users\Phil\.ssh

Then in FileZilla, just enter

Host = sftp://servername
User = theuser  (the user on the server)
Password = leave blank
Port = 22 (or leave blank, it's the default for sftp)

If you can’t get the SSH key to work, you can make a password-authenticated connection in FileZilla using:

Host = sftp://servername
User = theuser
Password = the pwd
Port = 22

Installing Keys on servers using PuTTY

You need to somehow get the public key into the user’s authorized_keys file. The easiest way is probably to use PuTTY’s secure FTP program to pull a copy of the file down to your client, paste in your new key, then push it back up. Test the connection using PuTTY itself. Under the SSH, Auth section specify the PPK file:

PuTTY SSH file

Then create a new session to the VM:

PuTTY SSH file

You will be asked for your passphrase:

PuTTY SSH file

SSH in Visual Studio

I had to create an environment variable GIT_SSH in Windows to get Visual Studio to use SSH. Its value is


This variable must NOT be set for Cygwin or WSL, otherwise it interferes with normal git remote operations on those systems.

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